Boolean Valuesˈbu:li:ən布尔值

The boolean datatype has two values, these are represented by the literals true and false.

Boolean values are generally the result of comparisons you make in your JavaScript programs. For example:

a == 4

This code tests to see whether the value of the variable a is equal to the number 4.

If it is, the result of this comparison is the boolean value true.

If a is not equal to 4, the result of the comparison is false.

Boolean values are typically used in JavaScript control structures.

For example, the if/else statement in JavaScript performs one action if a boolean value is true and another action if the value is false.
例如,JavaScript的 if/else 语句,就是在布尔值为true时,执行一个动作,而在布尔值为false时,执行另一个动作。

if (a == 4)
b = b + 1;
a = a + 1;

This code checks whether a equals 4. If so, it adds 1 to b; otherwise, it adds 1 to a.

Boolean Type Conversions 布尔类型转换

If a boolean value is used in a numeric context, true converts to the number 1 and false converts to the number 0.

If a boolean value is used in a string context, true converts to the string “true” and false converts to the string “false”.

If a number is used where a boolean value is expected, the number is converted to true unless the number is 0 or NaN, which are converted to false.

If a string is used where a boolean value is expected, it is converted to true except for the empty string, which is converted to false.

null and the undefined value convert to false , and any non-null object, array, or function converts to true.

If you prefer to make your type conversions explicit, you can use the Boolean() function:
如果你喜欢让类型转换为显式的,可以使用 Boolean() 函数:
var x_as_boolean = Boolean(x);

Another technique is to use the Boolean NOT operator twice:
var x_as_boolean = !!x;

