Numbers 数字

Numbers are the most basic datatype; All numbers in JavaScript are represented as floating-point values.

When a nubmer appears directly in a JavaScript program, it’s called a numeric literal.
当一个数字直接出现在JavaScript程序中时,我们称它为数字直接量(numeric literal)。

Integer Literalsˈɪntɪdʒə ˈlitərəl整型直接量

A base-10 integer is written as a sequence of digits.

The JavaScript number format allows you to exactly represent all integers between -9007199254740992 and 9007199254740992, inclusive.

Hexadecimal and Octal Literalsheksəˈdesim(ə)l十六进制和八进制ˈɔktl的直接量

A hexadecimal literal begins with “0x” or “0X”, followed by a string of hexadecimal digits.

An octal literal begins with the digit 0 and is followed by a sequence of digits, each between 0 and 7.

Floating-Point Literals 浮点型直接量

Floating-Point Literals can have a decimal point; they use the traditional syntax for real numbers.

Floating-Point literals may also be represented using exponential notation: a real number followed by the letter e(or E), followed by an optional plus or minus sign, followed by an integer exponent.

This notation represents the real number multiplied by 10 to the power of the exponent.
这种记数法表示的数值等于前面的实数乘以(multiplied by)10的指数(exponent)次幂(power)。

Working with Numbers 数字的使用

JavaScript programs work with numbers using the arithmetic operators that the language provides.

In addition to these basic arithmetic operations (+ – * /) , JavaScript supports more complex mathematical operations through a large number of mathematical functions that are a core part of the language.
除了基本的(加减乘除)算术运算(mathematical operations)外,JavaScript还采用了大量的算术函数,来支持更为复杂的算术运算,这些函数是语言核心(core)的一部分。

Numeric Conversionsnju:ˈmerik kənˈvə:ʃən数值转换

JavaScript can format numbers as strings and parse strings into numbers.

Special Numeric Values 特殊的数值

When a floating-point value becomes larger than the largest representable finite number, the result is a special infinity value, which JavaScript prints as Infinity.

Similarly, when a negative value becomes lower than the last representable negative number, the result is negative infinity, printed as -Infinity.

When a mathematical operation (such as division of zero by zero) yields an undefined result or an error , the result is the special not-a-number value, printed as NaN.
当一个算术运算(比如0除以0)产生了未定义的结果或错误时,结果是一个非数字的特殊值,输出为 NaN

