07-01 推荐一个做 实时成像,放射自显影 的网站:beaquant.cn
04-04 最近比较坑,诸事不顺,决定把昨天梦里的彩票号码买一下。
04-02 慢慢来会比较快
03-07 咖啡不加糖,当药喝


10-12 别急着说「不行」,先想想「怎样才行」
08-25 甲之蜜糖,乙之砒霜
08-25 Mindset 也许我是错的;Action 面聊。
08-18 So sad today
08-10 My teacher said “Great job👍!!! Clear pronunication and natural pauses!”
08-08 What seems difficult today will be easy someday.
07-26 Deliver results, grow people
07-26 好奇心、不设边界、极度理性。如果你放弃今天你在工作上的一切,你还是你吗?遇到什么样的人,是运气,运气差没什么好生气的,对其他人不要有预期,情绪没有意义。
07-17 Giving directions to another foreigner makes me a happy foreigner.
07-14 Shame on me, next time hope I can speak English.
07-11 After Pfizer, My left arm wasn’t mine.
07-10 The JTVC is very well organized and well run.
04-14 相较于“绩效期”的日程密集程度,“开会”反而是一种休息。
04-12 Soooo tired
03-28 大可不必 totally unnecessary
03-25 天天海南鸡饭【对面】的甘蔗汁,真的好喝。
03-25 天天海南鸡饭,架不住天天吃,想家了。
03-25 其实我来之前,特意问过,我的信用卡能不能刷,客服说随便刷,哪里都能刷。结果别人的VISA随便刷,我的银联总是失败。
03-23 爱奇艺不能用了……想看剧,要先学会 翻&qiang 回去……
03-20 一觉昏睡到现在,果然走路多了容易睡觉,但是今天不想再走错了。500米的路,走了3000米的感觉。
03-19 真是服了这些奸商,充电头都能造假,这不是耽误事嘛!!!外贸的没法退货,就卯足了劲的坑???
03-19 第一次坐“能上网”的飞机,是能上任何网站的那种上网!!
03-17 虽然我羽绒服里面再套一件羽绒马甲的穿搭浮夸了一些,但是,穿短袖跟我坐同一部电梯是不是嚣张了?什么档次跟我一部电梯。
03-15 have a fever and can’t stop coughing
03-06 what’s the big deal
03-06 not to let other people affect my mood
03-03 on the threshold of a new life
02-28 coolness under pressure
02-23 户口本需要 整本 复印!
02-21 人生若只如初见
02-20 New glasses made me feel dizzy.
02-16 test TinaCMS
02-16 生物钟记录了每天凌晨 3 点叫我起床,这什么破玩意儿,也不记录点好的。
02-14 More and more water gathered as the river hesitated. Then it began to get out of control.
02-11 too cold in Beijing
02-11 转了一圈深圳的早餐店,最后吃的星巴克的菠萝包,热呼呼的。暖了。
02-09 The wine was delicious, I might have a good sleep later.
02-08 can’t sleep and miss my own pillow
02-08 Flicking through the channels, I came across the CNN channel in this hotel
02-08 There is no need to wear masks when I was on a plane, It is important not to skip meals.
02-06 Seeing is believing
01-30 I feel nervous when I turned the motorcycle recently, so I drove on Motorway G7 tonight to conquer fear, not retreat. It was very exciting.
01-29 I have bathed too often these days and that wasn’t because I’m a tidy person but because I’m so cold in my frozen room.
01-29 国内使用 GitHub Desktop 的秘诀就是,多试几次。
01-28 我可真卷,竟然在女儿“上网课”的电脑上,装了一套开发环境。


11-02 换到了视野很好的新工位,修好了我的洗碗机,股票也涨了些,终于开始转运了。