
A variable is a name associated with a value; we say that the variable stores or contains the value.

Variables allow you to store and manipulate data in your programs.

For example, the following line of JavaScript assigns the value 2 to a variable named i:
例如,下面一行JavaScript代码将数值 2 赋给了一个名为 i 的变量
i = 2;

And the following line adds 3 to i and assigns the result to a new variable, sum:
下面的代码将3加到i上,然后把结赋给了一个新的变量 sum:
var sum = i + 3;

Variable Typling 变量的类型

JavaScript is untyped. This means, in part, that a JavaScript variable can hold a value of any datatype.
JavaScript 是非类型的,这就意味着 JavaScript 的变量可以存放任何类型的值。

For example, it is perfectly legal in JavaScript to assign a number to a variable and then later assign a string to that variable:
i = 10;<br /> i = "ten";

Variable Declaration 变量的声明

Before you use a variable in a JavaScript program, you must declare it.

If you don’t declare a variable explicitly, JavaScript will declare it implicitly for you.

Variables are declared with the var keyword, like this:
var i;<br /> var sum;

You can also declare multiple variables with the same var keyword:
var i, sum;

And you can combine variable declaration with variable initialization:
var message = "hello";<br /> var i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;

If you don’t specify an initial value for a variable with the var statement, the variable is declared, but its initial value is undefined until your code stores a value into it.
如果没有用var语句给一个变量指定初始值,那么虽然这个变量被声明了,但是在给它存入一个值之前,它的初始值就是 undefined

Note that the var statement can also appear as part of the for and for/in loops, allowing you to succinctly declare the loop variable as part of the loop syntax itself. For example:

for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) document.write(i, “
for(var i = 0; j = 10; i < 10; i++, j–) document.write(i*j, “
for(var i in o) document.write(i, “

Variables declared with var are permanent: attempting to delete them with the delete operator causes an error.

Repeated and Omitted Declarations 重复的声明和遗漏的声明

It is legal and harmless to declare a variable more than once with the var statement.

If the repeated declaration has an initializer, it acts as if it were simply an assignment statement.

If you attempt to read the value of an undeclared variable, JavaScript generates an error.

If you assign a value to a variable that you have not declared with var, JavaScript implicitly declares that variable for you.

Note, however, that implicitly declared variables are always created as global variables, even if they are used within the body of a function.

To prevent the creation of a global variable (or the use of an existing global variable) when you meant to create a local variable to use within a single function, you must always use the var statement within function bodies.

It’s best to use var for all variables, whether global or local.

Variable Scope 变量的作用域

The scope of a variable is the region of your program in which it is defined.

A global variable has global scope; it is defined everywhere in your JavaScript code.

On the other hand, variables declared within a function are defined only within the body of the function.

They are local variables and have local scope.

Function parameters also count as local variables and are defined only within the body of the function.

Within the body of a function, a local variable takes precedence over a global variable with the same name.

If you declare a local variable or function parameter with the same name as a global variable, you effectively hide the global variable.

For example, the following code prints the word “local”:

var scope = “global”; // 声明一个全局变量
function checkscope( ) {
var scope = “local”; // 声明一个与全局变量同名的局部变量
document.write(scope); // 使用本地变量
checkscope( ); // 输出单词 “local”

